5 unexpected touchpoints to make you x20 more memorable [inc. examples]
Learn how these 5 brands created touchpoints that subtly *but memorably* conveyed their values, boosted brand personality + customer affinity [inc. take-away tips to become more memorable]
Designing a pathway to marketing success + more return customers
[inc. free template] Do you know the journey your customers take from 1st interaction to booking you? Walk with us through the fundamentals of designing a flow that’s efficient + measurable. Here are the 7 steps to designing your own intentional customer journey.
Forgotten customer experience strategies: why you shouldn’t neglect brand voice
Your customer experience isn’t just the chatbot you installed, your speedy delivery and on-brand packaging: brand voice is integral to the success of your business. Make happier customers (and get more of them) by looking at how your brand writes.
How to destroy your customer experience: 4 examples of brand-sabotaging service
Not considering the experience your future customers receive before booking or buying? You may be losing sales. This article shows you what NOT to do when it comes to customer experience (CX) and how to improve your own.
What is a customer experience and how to improve it
The impression that your customers get from your business starts long before they’ve clicked the ‘buy now’ button. Click here to understand what the customer experience is and how to improve it for your own business, to take your customers from ‘meh’ to raving about you.
Sustainable business ideas: the carbon footprint of our online presence
I have to admit that I often judged businesses that I came across who didn’t seem to be sustainable or consider their environmental impact. But I’ve just discovered that there is more carbon emitted from running the internet than all the airlines put together. So I’ve put together a few ideas to help you minimise the carbon footprint of your online presence, without having to entirely change your business model.
7 vital questions to ask a potential freelance website designer
Choosing who you want to create your website is tough. Too many potential candidates can lead to indecision and overwhelm. These 7 questions will help ensure your chosen freelance website designer will elevate your brand and your impact online.
Year-round ideas & opportunities for seasonal businesses: tried and tested!
Don’t go from one season to the next just hoping for the best. Seasonal businesses are a challenge to run at best. There’s the constant worry that you need to be making enough in a short window in order to see you through the off-season. I’ve found these are the 6 most effective ways to maximise engagement all year round.