Upgrade your abandoned cart sequence to

win back

lost revenue

on autopilot

without adding to your team’s to-dos

take the pressure

off those manual

profit-generating tasks

Your abandoned cart sequence should be your most time-effective, cost-effective team member.

The employee of the year (for the umpteenth year on the trot) who’s able to scale your brand from a revenue perspective.

One that’ll work their butt off for you BTS, after hours, even when your ‘OOO’ is on and you’re riding sweet, sweet champagne powder in Japan.

“But our competitors are getting

a butt ton of attention with

their schwanky ads.

So we need to shout louder

(aka pump more $$ into Zuck’s bank account).”

This is what stagnant brands do.

Pumping more money into ads before optimising your email strategy is like trying to fill a bathtub with a sieve. 

(My husband’s a plumber so pipe-talk is an everyday occurrence at 85 Tower Road.) 

So, for a minute, let’s consider your marketing funnel as the plumbing system in your house.

If you're running a bath but it’s taking 2 hours to just about wash your belly-button, you wouldn't just up the water pressure or splash out on fancy new taps, right?

You'd replace that shitty pipework your cowboy builder smushed together.

In marketing terms, you need a core system that fills up your bank account (bathtub) with customers (water).

Without your leaking good-fit customers in the process.

According to Campaign Monitor, email marketing has an ROI of 4400%. 

Ignoring your abandoned carts is like ignoring the water dripping down through the ceiling into your neighbour’s living room. 

When you get your email system solid and then increase your ad spend, you'll be pouring leads into a rust-free, drip-free system designed to nurture and convert.

Not a leaky funnel that wastes your hard-earned traffic.

Time to catch

those wayward

shopping trolleys

(before they get to the point of no return)

>> £2,900GBP for up to 5 emails, research, copy + segmentation opportunities

With the Abandoned Cart Upgrade, you’ll get:

  • Everyone wants to perform.

    They want to optimise their personal performance, be it outdoors/in sport/when it comes to their wellbeing.

    And YOU want your emails to perform, in a way that’s measurable (not just ‘nurturing’).

    • Market landscape analysis

    • Customer interviews + voice-of-prospect gathering

    • Feedback reviews

    You’re only able to create messages that resonate and convert when you can speak to your customers. Using their language.

  • Your products solve a problem like no other.

    But your inferior competitors can taint prospects’ beliefs around what products in your category can solve.

    We need to turn product-aware and hesitant prospects into customers that are most-aware with high intent.

    So sometimes a mindset shift is necessary, to open up your prospects to new possibilities. 

    • Message development

    • Buyer psychology research

    • New segmentation personalisation + opportunities

    With all of this, we can craft interactions that trigger positive emotional responses.

    And drive action.

  • Every hour I pore over your new abandoned cart copy, our environmental footprint grows a little fatter. 

    Together, we can protect the place where I spend most of my free time: the sea.

    So once we kick off a project, you’ll also get baby coral planted in your name to sequester the carbon created from our internet hours together.

  • Your email copy should sound like you. It should feel like you, look like you, smell like you.

    But you want to make sure they see you as the pro in your industry.

    We’ll find where your brand can perfectly balance on the precarious personality<>professionalism see-saw.

    • Brand voice analysis

    • Conversion copywriting techniques

    • Activation of your brand values

    Let’s bottle up your brand’s unique flavour of human-ness and spritz it all over your copy.

    To make you more memorable.

    So readers reckon they’d like to go for a pint with you.

  • Performance metrics and optimisation: included as standard. 

    We don’t just want to get you new customers.

    But paying people who are actually primed to stick around longer (= better LTV).

    Within 2 weeks of it going live, I want to bump up your conversion rate.

    Then we’ll review, edit and analyse to optimise for version 2.

    • Setting KPIs to achieve by the end of our work together

    • Setting a baseline, from reporting on current analytics before we start 

    • Engagement and conversion tracking throughout

    • Email optimisation consultancy after the first version goes live




It's about understanding human psychology.

Drawing from my 16 years in the outdoors and adventure sports industry (half of that being in a marketeer’s role).


For years, I coached nervous skiers and surfers, helping them overcome their fears and push beyond their comfort zone. 

I peeked into their brains, getting to grips with the obstacles and hesitations that drove them.

Or held them back from trying something new.

a human-centric

approach to building


Your new abandoned cart sequence will use these psychological insights to speak directly to your customers', (re)spark the same level of desire (if not more) that they had when they originally hit the ‘Add to cart’ button. 

And you’ll gently guide them out of their comfort zones — just as I did with those nervous athletes on the slopes and in the waves.

Whether you're marketing to adrenaline junkies or cautious first-timers, you’ll walk away with an automated sequence of customer interactions that turn a graveyard of lurkers into eager action-takers.

get a speedy roi

You’ve outgrown your minimum viable drip sequence.

There’s more money sitting in your unconverted mailing list than there is in your Insta-Stories (that only get seen by 4% of your followers anyway). 

Your #1 goal should be to sweet-talk those with half-filled shopping baskets.

Here’s where you’ll see how quickly you’ll get your ROI, if you decide you want to work with AWC…

To work out your investment limit, Emily Kramer (ex-Asana, ex-Carta) says that if your payback period is longer than your CLTV, it's a red flag.

Otherwise your payback period should be no more than 12-18 months.