Noted PA: online business manager for the travel industry + Dubsado expert
[brand messaging + website copywriting]
She reached out to me because “On my website at the moment, it’s repeated over and over again ‘get hold of my services, buy back your time’ but that message is overused in my industry, to the point it now feels superficial.”
Her messaging didn’t feel original. She wanted to communicate has a strategic element to all her work that elevates all her to surpass that of your standard virtual assistant.
Emma’s website was bringing her in leads, but it didn’t fully communicate what she did, so customers often left her site empty-handed, unsure whether she'd be a good investment for their business or not.
A large portion of the leads she was getting contacted by weren’t a good fit, because they either didn’t share Emma’s values or they wanted something she didn’t offer.
“The copy was tired and uninspiring — it did not represent who I am at all.”
Redefining values to attract the right people.
We set out to make Noted PA irresistible to her ideal clients.
Instead of feeling confused or misled, when prospects landed on Emma’s website, we wanted them to feel relieved, excited, motivated: “I want them to feel like this was a positive business investment that could potentially change their life and have a really positive effect on their work-life balance.”
We’d need to dive back into Emma’s why to reevaluate what Emma was the go-to person in her industry for — this messaging would be the basis for an entirely new experience on her website, showing her approachability and working style.
It wasn’t just what we said but HOW we said it that was going to elevate Emma and her business.

In order to reaffirm Emma’s position as the go-to person to support a small biz, we focussed on:
Emma’s ‘why’ — how did her own personal values intersect her business values?
Exactly who Emma did and didn’t want to work with — knowing the frustrations and desires of your target audience is as important as knowing who you don’t want to attract
What Emma’s USP was — doing competitor analysis to ensure she stood out when it came to her (1) message, (2) voice, and (3) her laser focus on her ideal client
How Emma’s values could come across through a particular style of writing — that means things like vocabulary, how much punctuation she used, sentence length, and determining how we wanted people to feel when reading her website
The way in which booking Noted PA would change someone’s life — so we dialled down on Emma’s different packages, the problems they will overcome and the new opportunities they allow for the micro-business owner
The stories that would make her target audience feel understood
All in all, my project with Emma included:
✔️ Brand messaging guidelines
✔️ Audience psychographics
✔️ Brand voice style guide
✔️ Homepage copy
✔️ About page copy
✔️ Copy for a services summary pages + additional pages for each individual service
“I’ve probably always looked at the customer journey from the point of them already being a customer, whereas I think your [Alice’s] skillset is looking at the customer journey from the point that someone comes across your brand.
That is such a key thing for anyone to do — the approach that the customer journey should start from the first interaction they have with you.”
How to grow your business.
“I found I got a huge amount of value out of your service and from the package.
Now I feel like now it’s so clear what I do and the services that I offer, so the leads that I’m getting through now are the people I want to work with, they want to work with me and they know what I’m doing. So in the long run will save a lot of time and effort moving forwards with my marketing.
Not just the copywriting, but I feel like all the exercises at the beginning. Although it was quite a big task, it was really important to do, not just for the copy’s sake, but to help me find clarity in my business and who I’m actually talking to.
The tone of voice and messaging has been so helpful for the future of my business — if I ever outsource, I have something to hand over to those voice guidelines to people. And I can apply that now to social media, to my blog post, everything.
It goes without saying, I was over the moon with everything you did. With all the copy, I feel like you just ‘got it’.”
— Emma Wilkens, organisational queen + owner of Noted PA
The results.
Living her values
That intersection between what she wanted for her business and what others need has helped Emma feel more confident in how she’s portrayed online.
Her new values are (1) ‘Be proactive’, (2) ‘Lead with simplicity’ and (3) ‘Promote longevity’
. . . which means Emma has reached a better work-life balance and her clients can now see the long-term impact of working with her.
Less time on admin
Now Emma’s copy dives into the specific fears and hesitations of her ideal clientele, as well as deterring prospects who want a quick fix/aren’t truly invested in their business, she has seen a drop in enquiries from people who aren’t a good fit.
That means less hours at a screen and more time sea swimming or walking her pup Myla.
Redirecting energy
Now that Emma’s website is live, she is able to spend less time on her marketing, as she is confident her website is able to convert good-fit prospects into paying clients.
This has given the headspace to develop a new, more holistic package.

Your website is your digital front-door. And it’s likely you want leads queuing up outside, right?
If your website represents the ‘old you’ (before you grew and expanded) let’s work together to revitalise your online presence.
A stronger website can help your business grow, whether it’s through improving your copy or reworking the design.
Let’s jump on a quick 20 minute to chat about how your business-baby has adapted to the current state of your industry and make a game-plan so your website is working harder for you.